…И тишина.
И более ни слова.
И эхо.
Да еще усталость.
Над ними наклонялись безнадежно
седые доктора и секунданты.
Над ними звезды, вздрагивая,
над ними останавливались
(И. Бродский)
Мой совет начинать слушать c последних 3-х треков :
Deep Purple's new album «Bananas» was released on August 25 (August 29 in Japan) through EMI Records.
(The title track Bananas is a fast, aggressive song which reminds me a bit of Cascades; the lyrics are amazing, even referring to Alice in Wonderland at some point. The solos you'll have to hear to believe! It goes a bit baroque towards the end, and Gillan plays it out with some tasty harmonica.)
(Doing it Tonight is funky as hell, with a sort of a jerky rhythm pattern, aggressive lyrics and vocals. Great song, but too short… )
(Contact Lost. It's approximately a minute and a half; an instrumental with plaintive guitar that sounds unlike anything Steve Morse has played in his whole career.)
DP' 2003
(The CD opens with House of Pain, which is a very catchy, classic mid-tempo Deep Purple song, sort of like Bad Attitude but better (Oops, there goes another House Of Blue Light reference), with screams, guitar/organ trade solo, harmonica solo, in short a great live song.)
(Sun Goes Down is slow-to-mid tempo, very heavy, with a fat hammond intro and «treated» vocals.)
(Razzle Dazzle is very commercial sounding, great, funny lyrics, with a honky tonk piano solo.)
(Silver Tongue is a «typical» angular Morsey riff with a great call-and-response vocal bit.)
(Walk On a slow blues, one of the absolute highlights of the album, delicate bluesy guitar, piano and organ to the fore, and some INCREDIBLE singing. This cries out for a 20-minute live version with jams.)
(Pictures Of Innocence starts as a shuffle and develops to an Almost Human-like tempo and feel, fantastic lyrics, incredible organ solo, one hell of a song.)
(Never A Word, you'll hear and won't believe your ears : it's possibly Episode Six, could be The Byrds, even the Beatles! I can't really describe it, it's a great song that will stick in your memory and you'll hum it for ages. What a vocal performance! )
см. другие промо-фото Deep Purple stuff '2003