
**Some bold text** --> Some bold text
//some italic text// --> some italic text
**//some bold and italic text//** --> some bold and italic text
__Some underlined text__ --> Some underlined text
--Some strikethrough text-- --> Some strikethrough text
2^^3^^ + 10^^2^^ = 108 --> 23 + 102 = 108
Hvv2vvO-COvv2vv --> H2O-CO2


|| **ID** || **Name** || **Description** ||
|| 123 || John Foo || Some foo user ||
|| 456 || Mary Richardson || Contact person from Foo Corp. ||

отображаетс¤ так:

ID Name Description
123 John Foo Some foo user
456 Mary Richardson Contact person from Foo Corp.


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    * And another one
  * Last one

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2003 © mike99

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